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Ceiling Dehumidifiers

We have different models of Ceiling Dehumidifiers based on the requirements. For Houses, Swimming Pool Areas, Warehouses, Storage Places, Manufacturing Units, Basements etc. Some of models are per below:

Humidity Control:

Humidity is a big issue in the environment as more humidity causes damage to Walls, Furniture, Clothes, Stored Goods, Food etc. Human gets respiratory problem for over humidity and some people are also allergic to humid environment. Especially cities near to sea are effected with over Humidity level. Normal humidity level is 30 to 40 % of Relative Humidity. Above and below this are dangerous…

Which is the best Dehumidifier ?

Guide For Home Use and Commercial Use.

For Healthy and Pleasant Interior Atmosphere choosing the best dehumidifier is very important. Dehumidifier helps in lowering the atmosphere humidity and moisture level. This reduces the mold formation and must odor from air. Hence, for choosing the best dehumidifier, we have wide variety of dehumidifiers.

Whether you are home owner trying to improve the quality of air inside your home or you are business owner needing heavy duty moisture control machine. We have the top portable, commercial, industrial, swimming pool, duct and warehouse dehumidifiers.

We shall discuss the specifications which every type of Dehumidifier should have. First of all we shall explain about various types of dehumidification systems.

Types of Dehumidifiers:

Dehumidifiers have different types each for different specific needs and for different moisture levels.

Portable dehumidifiers are best suitable for small to medium size spaces. It occupies less space. It can easily be moved due to light weight. These Portable Dryer machines have wheels and handles.

They work by drawing air through the filter and then pass it to cooling coil that condense moisture in the air to water. Tank is there to collect the water or it is drained through the hose. For Residentail use protable dehumidifiers are perfect, affordable and easy to use.

Industrial Dehumidifiers:

In Commercial and Industrial settings to remove moisture on large scale industrial dehumidifiers are used. In Factories, Strorage places, warehouses and other large space which require continuous dehumidification these dehumidifiers are used. These units are available with different water extraction capacities like from 50 to 200 liter per day. Even large spaces are dried quickly due to its large dehumidification capacity. They also have other functions like humdistate to cotrol humdity level as desired and auto shut down to maintain required level.

Commercial Dehumidifiers:

Commercial grade humditiy removing machines are same like industrial dehumidifiers. Most people likes our units due to its power saving features. These machines are available portable, ducted, wall mounted and freestanding type. Because of its quiet operation, these are suitable for resturants, retail outlets and offices.

Swimming Pool Dehumidifiers:

Inside the indoor swimming pool, the moisture accumulates, Swimming pool dehumidifiers are designed to remove this moisture. Due to high humidity inside, the pool’s structure, walls and furniture is damaged, mold and mildew growth is promoted. The bes dehumidifiers are installed inside the pool area and they draw humid air and remove excess moisture in form of water. They are equipped with drain lines and hoses to continuously drain water.

Duct Dehumidifiers:

Duct dehumidifiers extract extra moisture from air and supply dehumidified air. They are usually installed with HVAC system. These are mostly used in swimming pool aread Public Halls and warehouses. They regulate humidity level to prevent the growth of mold and meldew.

Warehouse Dehumidifiers:

Due to excess moisture inside the warehouses, the products and equipment are damaged. Warehouse dehumidifers are designed to prevent the moisture and for use in large space areas. They have the functions of humidistat and automatic shut off feautures.

Choosing best dehumidifier according to your needs is very important. You can decide a dehumidifier that fulfills your demands and is economical by understanding various types.

Features Industrial Dehumidifiers must have:

Choosing industrial dehumidifier is totally different from selecting residential dehumidifier. Below feature industrial dehumidfiers are must have.

High Capacity for Moisture Removing: Industrial envoirnments have high moisture level than the residential enviornments. For these uses we need dehumidifier with large capacity. Normally industrial dehumidfier capacity should be inbetween 50 to 100 liter per day.

Durable Body: Industrial dehumidifiers body is made of durable material to withstand the harsh industrial enviornment. They are usually resistant to corrosion and are not damaged from dust and heat.